Vol. 5 (1) Jul. 2023

Article ID. JHSSR-1182-2023


The Types, Functions, and Significances of Mulao’s Folk Song of China

Ying Wu and Pitsanu Boonsrianan

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Mulao is an ethnic minority living only in Guangxi and their folk songs have many types and functions. The basic song types include ancient bars, freely answer, and breeze. Those songs have many functions, such as cultivating and strengthening people’s national identity, spreading interpersonal communication, expressing experience and emotion, making intelligent games, relaxing, and entertaining. Mulao’s folk song also has three levels of contemporary significance: comprehensively representing their national life, enhancing national cohesion, and embodying ethnic communication and unity. In addition, sharing those folk songs with other ethnicities shows that the elements of the Chinese nation are in harmony since ancient times.


Mulao’s folk song, types, functions, culture, regional style, inherit


Citation: Ying Wu and Pitsanu Boonsrianan (2022). The Types, Functions, and Significances of Mulao’s Folk Song of China. Horizon J. Hum. Soc. Sci. Res. 5 (1), 56–62. https://doi.org/10.37534/bp.jhssr.2023.v5.n1.id1182.p56