Vol. 5 (2) Dec. 2023

Article ID. 01 JHSSR-1224


Subjectivity and Truth

Brij Mohan

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Principled protests and conscientious dissents are magnificent pillars of democracy. The rise of authoritarianism and religious nationalism poses serious threats to civil society--a sociocultural abstraction that warrants secular norms and practices. Policies and laws that muffle this progressive process must be challenged by intellectuals and citizens who value freedom of expression. This author has used Letter to the Editor as a veritable tool to VOICE against oppression. Only a live fish swims against the current.


Academic Corruption; Anti-Platonism; Balkanization; Dissent; Independence; Progress; Social Practice; and Workplace Toxicity


Citation: Brij Mohan (2023). A Letter to the Editor: Subjectivity and Truth. Horizon J. Hum. Soc. Sci. Res. 5 (2), 6–8. https://doi.org/10.37534/bp.jhssr.2023.v5.n2.id1224.p6