Vol. 6 (S) Jun. 2024 Article ID. JHSSR-1259-2024 |
Study on Influence of Attributes on Online and Offline Buying Preferences: Understanding Opportunities and Future Options
Online shopping refers to purchase of a product or service at website with the help of an internet browser. It is very important for an online retailer as well as traditional store to identify the most influencing factors influencing buying decision making process. There is a constant change in consumer taste and preferences which retailers need to be aware of so as to stay ahead of the competitors. The study focuses on various demographical factors influence on frequency of online shopping. The study further throws some light on the selected important attributes influence on online and offline buying psychology.
Outcome and findings of this empirical research paper would be useful in understanding the opportunities and also future options, directions from the retailing industry point of view.
Retail Industry; Buying Options; Online Buying; Offline Buying; Website Attributes; Future Directions.
Citation: Rabi Narayan Subudhi and Abhilash Mishra (2023). Study on Influence of Attributes on Online and Offline Buying Preferences: Understanding Opportunities and Future Options. Horizon J. Hum. Soc. Sci. Res. 6 (S), 115–120. https://doi.org/10.37534/bp.jhssr.2024.v6.nS.id1259.p115