Nahed Ghazzoul is an Assistant Professor of Linguistics. She holds a PhD in Linguistic from Lancaster University, UK. 2008; a Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, from Lancaster University, UK. 2006; an MA in Linguistics (TESOL), University of Surrey, UK. 2004. She worked at different educational places including Aleppo University/Syria, Lancaster University/UK, and Jerash and Alzaytoonah Universities/Jordan. She was a post-doctorate-researcher at Columbia University, Columbia Global Centre/Amman. Currently, she is a full-time researcher and a member of staff at Paris Nanterre University.
Nahed is an editor and reviewer in a couple of Journals including the Editorial Board of Theory and Practice in Language Studies (TPLS) Journal 2019, Horizon Journal of Humanity and Social Sciences Research, a Reviewer for Cogent Education Journal, 2017–2019, USA, and a Reviewer for Pertanika Journal (JSSH) 2012 & 2018, Malaysia. She is an active researcher and published a couple of papers in SCOPUS indexed Journals.