Greg Myers was a professor of Rhetoric and Communication, Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University. He completed his Ph.D. and MA from Columbia University, New York, New York. And his Bachelor’s (BA) from Pomona College, Claremont, California.
His best-known work focused on the social context of written academic texts, especially in science, treating such issues as politeness, cohesion, narrative structure, commonplaces, and illustration, drawing on frameworks from the sociology of scientific knowledge. More recent work has studied expression of opinions in talk, particularly in focus groups and consultation processes; the approach is largely through conversation analysis.
He has written five books and his research with Sofia Lampropoulou (Liverpool) has drawn on an ESRC-funded project on ‘The Construction of Stance in Social Research Interviews’. He also edited the Elsevier journal Discourse Context & Media and have been on the Editorial Boards of the journals Applied Linguistics, Discourse & Society, English for Specific Purposes, ESPecialist, Language in Society, Language Teaching Research, Science as Culture, Text & Talk, and Written Communication. With Ruth Wodak, he also edited the John Benjamins book series Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society, and Culture.
He was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and have been active in the Ross Priory seminars on Broadcast Talk since 1995. He was Chair (2012–15) of BAAL, the British Association for Applied Linguistics.