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Role of Information System Management during
Emergencies: The COVID-19 Crisis in Malaysia
Sharmini Gopinathan 1 and Murali Raman2
information systems; communication systems; emergency management process; crisis management; pandemic; COVID-19; Malaysia
The spike in the number of COVID-19 cases across the globe hased the World Health Organization to declare the virus as a pandemic. Many countries have institutionalized either complete or partial lockdowns in coping with COVID-19. Regardless of a partial of full-lockdown, most organizations, across different sectors, are focussing on business continuity through work from home and other initiatives—which require access to information systems remotely, coupled with other forms of short-term crisis management measures. Managing emergency situations forces organizations to rethink strategies, competencies, and processes to enhance resilience. The COVID-19 pandemic suggests that Information Systems play a vital role in crisis management efforts for majority of organisations. Nevertheless, these remedial measures may not necessarily be guided by well-defined emergency management frameworks and the role that information systems can play at the core of such efforts. At the organisational level, the developments in information communication systems as well as workforce technology have transformed the magnitudes of work culture to an unprecedented level. It has led to a diverse work atmosphere. The workforce consumes a 24/7 situation to provide stake holders around the world with necessary services. Many innovative practices have been adopted by companies around the world. The challenges of amalgamating work and family life is an evident fact due to technological advancement which enables remote working. In some companies abroad a well-balanced career and social obligations are enforced as part of the human resource initiatives to maintain a healthy and committed work force. This study aims to bridge the gap in the body of literature pertaining to the information system quality impact on emergency crisis management during the COVID-19 crisis in Malaysia.
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